Robert A. Kotick, CEO Activision Blizzard

Robert A. Kotick, CEO Activision Blizzard

Elon Musk, CEO Tesla 

Elon Musk, CEO Tesla 

Business .JPG
Steve Mosko, President, Sony Pictures 

Steve Mosko, President, Sony Pictures 

Blake Mycoskie, CEO Toms Shoes

Blake Mycoskie, CEO Toms Shoes

Brian Lee, Jessica Alba, The Honest Co. 

Brian Lee, Jessica Alba, The Honest Co. 

Evan Spiegel & Bobby Murphy, Founders, Snapchat

Evan Spiegel & Bobby Murphy, Founders, Snapchat

Brad Grey, CEO Paramount Pictures

Brad Grey, CEO Paramount Pictures

Christy Haubegger, Founder, Latina Magazine

Christy Haubegger, Founder, Latina Magazine

The Weinstein Brothers

The Weinstein Brothers

Maria Contreras-Sweet, Chairwoman and founder, ProAmérica Bank

Maria Contreras-Sweet, Chairwoman and founder, ProAmérica Bank

Olevia TV

Olevia TV

Cindy Holland, VP Content, Netflix

Cindy Holland, VP Content, Netflix